
If you plan to continue building out your app on Supabase, we recommend that you start writing tests for your database. This will help you catch bugs early, and ensure that your app is working as expected.

To help make testing with Supabase and Basejump easier, we've created a companion library called supabase-test-helpers.

Getting started with pgTAP

If you haven't written tests for your Supabase apps yet, we highly recommend you start! It's not too difficult once you get used to the structure - especially now that the Supabase CLI has pgTAP support built in. Check out the official guide here, but we've also included a quick start guide below.

1. Install dbdev extension manager

First, install the dbdev extension manager into your Supabase instance.

2. Installing Supabase Test Helpers

Either add a migration file to your project for the installation, or install it directly into your Supabase instance.

select dbdev.install('basejump-supabase_test_helpers');

3. Setting up your Supabase project for testing

mkdir -p ./supabase/tests/database
touch ./supabase/tests/database/your-first-tests.test.sql

Writing your first test

Now your'e ready to write your first tests. You can check out a few resources we've pulled together for you to get started:

Example test


    -- We activate the extension INSIDE a test so that it's never activated in production
    CREATE EXTENSION "basejump-supabase_test_helpers";
    -- Indicate how many tests we expect to run
    select plan(1);
    -- create users for testing
    select tests.create_supabase_user('test_owner');
    -- create an example post for testing
    insert into posts (title, body, user_id) values ('test post', 'this is a test post', tests.get_supabase_uid('test_owner'));
    -- ensure you're anon
    select tests.clear_authentication();
                $$ select * from posts $$,
                'Anon cannot select posts'
    select * from finish();

Running your tests

Now that you've written your first test, you can run it using the Supabase CLI:

supabase test db